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Intelligent manufacturing development plan for the "fourteenth five year plan"

Release time:2022-06-09 Source:Dongguan Zhirui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Intelligent manufacturing is the main direction of building a manufacturing power, and its development level is directly related to the quality level of China's manufacturing industry. The development of intelligent manufacturing plays an important role in consolidating the foundation of the real economy, building a modern industrial system and realizing new industrialization. This plan is prepared to implement the fourteenth five year plan for national economic and social development of the people's Republic of China and the outline of long-term goals for 2035, and accelerate the development of intelligent manufacturing.
1、 Current situation and situation
In the past decade, China has made great progress in the development of intelligent manufacturing through collaborative innovation of industry, University, research and application, demonstration application of industrial enterprises, and joint planning of central and local governments. The supply capacity has been continuously improved, the market satisfaction rate of intelligent manufacturing equipment has exceeded 50%, and there are more than 40 system solution suppliers with a main business income of more than 1billion yuan. The supporting system has been gradually improved, an international leading standard system has been established, 285 national standards have been issued, and 28 international standards have been developed; Nearly 80 industrial Internet platforms with industrial and regional influence have been cultivated. The promotion and application has achieved remarkable results. The production efficiency of the pilot demonstration projects has been increased by 45% on average, the product development cycle has been shortened by 35% on average, and the defective product rate has been reduced by 35% on average. New models and new business forms have emerged, such as discrete intelligent manufacturing, process intelligent manufacturing, network collaborative manufacturing, large-scale personalized customization, and remote operation and maintenance services. However, compared with the requirements of high-quality development, the development of intelligent manufacturing still has some problems, such as low supply adaptability, weak innovation ability, insufficient application depth and breadth, and lack of professionals.
With the new round of global scientific and technological revolution and the rapid development of industrial reform, the new generation of information and communication, biology, new materials, new energy and other technologies continue to make breakthroughs, and accelerate the integration with advanced manufacturing technology, providing a historical opportunity for the high-end, intelligent and green development of the manufacturing industry. At the same time, the world is in a great change that has not been seen in a century. The international environment is becoming more and more complex. Global science, technology and industrial competition is becoming more intense. The strategic game among big countries has further focused on the manufacturing industry. The development strategies such as the "advanced manufacturing leadership strategy" of the United States, the "national industrial strategy 2030" of Germany, and the "social 5.0" of Japan, which focus on revitalizing the manufacturing industry, all focus on intelligent manufacturing, Strive to seize the commanding height of a new round of competition in the global manufacturing industry.
At present, China has turned to the stage of high-quality development, and is in the key period of transforming the development mode, optimizing the economic structure and transforming the growth power. However, problems such as the low adaptability of manufacturing supply to market demand, challenges to the stability of the industrial chain supply chain, and tighter constraints on resources and environmental factors have become prominent. Standing at the historic meeting point between the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform and China's acceleration of high-quality development, we should unswervingly take intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of attack, promote industrial technology reform, optimization and upgrading, promote the fundamental transformation of the industrial model and enterprise form of the manufacturing industry, drive "innovation" with "innovation", improve quality, efficiency and efficiency, reduce resource and energy consumption, smooth the supply chain of the industrial chain, and help achieve carbon peak and carbon neutrality, Promote China's manufacturing industry to move towards the middle and high end of the global value chain.
2、 General idea
(1) Guiding ideology
  We will strive to improve our innovation, supply, support and application capabilities, accelerate the construction of an intelligent manufacturing development ecosystem, and continue to promote the digital transformation, networked collaboration and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry, so as to provide strong support for promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, accelerating the construction of a manufacturing power, developing the digital economy and building a new international competitive advantage.
(2) Basic principles
Adhere to innovation driven. Take self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology as the strategic support for the development of intelligent manufacturing, strengthen collaborative innovation between industry, University and research, and strive to break through key core technologies and system integration technologies. Support enterprises, universities and scientific research institutes to form consortiums to carry out innovation in technology, process, equipment, software, management and mode, so as to enhance core competitiveness.
Adhere to market orientation. Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation, and strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in the development of intelligent manufacturing. We will give better play to the role of the government in guiding strategic planning, formulating standards and regulations, and providing public services, so as to create a good environment and stimulate the endogenous power of various market players.
Adhere to integrated development. We will strengthen interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary cooperation and promote the deep integration of new generation information technology and advanced manufacturing technology. Give play to the leading role of leading enterprises, promote the deep interconnection and collaborative response of the industrial chain supply chain, drive the synchronous improvement of the intelligent manufacturing level of upstream and downstream enterprises, and realize the financing development of large, medium and small enterprises.
Insist on safety and controllability. Strengthen the bottom line thinking and make safety and controllability run through the whole process of intelligent manufacturing innovation and development. Strengthen the research, judgment and response to security risks, accelerate the improvement of intelligent manufacturing data security, network security and function security guarantee capabilities, focus on preventing and resolving industrial chain supply chain risks, and achieve the unity of development and security.
Adhere to systematic promotion. Focusing on the new requirements of the new stage, based on China's reality, taking into account the regional and industrial development differences, strengthening forward-looking thinking, overall planning, strategic layout and overall promotion, giving full play to the enthusiasm of local, industry and enterprises, and promoting the innovative development of intelligent manufacturing by hierarchical classification system.
(3) Development path and objectives
During the "fourteenth five year plan" and for a long period in the future, to promote intelligent manufacturing, we should base ourselves on the essence of manufacturing, closely follow the intelligent characteristics, take technology and equipment as the core, take data as the basis, rely on manufacturing units, workshops, factories, supply chains and other carriers, build an intelligent manufacturing system with virtual reality integration, knowledge drive, dynamic optimization, safety, efficiency, green and low carbon, and promote the manufacturing industry to realize digital transformation, networked collaboration Intelligent transformation. By 2025, most manufacturing enterprises above Designated Size will be digitalized and networked, and key enterprises in key industries will initially apply intelligence; By 2035, manufacturing enterprises above Designated Size will fully popularize digitalization and networking, and backbone enterprises in key industries will basically realize intellectualization.
The main objectives for 2025 are:
——Remarkable achievements have been made in transformation and upgrading. 70% of manufacturing enterprises above Designated Size have basically realized digitalization and networking, and have built more than 500 intelligent manufacturing demonstration plants leading the development of the industry. Manufacturing enterprises' production efficiency, product yield and energy resource utilization rate have been significantly improved, and the maturity level of intelligent manufacturing capability has been significantly improved.
——The supply capacity was significantly enhanced. The technical level and market competitiveness of intelligent manufacturing equipment and industrial software have been significantly improved, and the market satisfaction rate has exceeded 70% and 50% respectively. Cultivate more than 150 intelligent manufacturing system solution suppliers with high professional level and strong service ability.
——More solid foundation support. Build a number of intelligent manufacturing innovation carriers and public service platforms. Build a standard system and network infrastructure suitable for the development of intelligent manufacturing, complete the formulation and revision of more than 200 national and industrial standards, and build more than 120 industrial Internet platforms with industrial and regional influence.
3、 Key tasks
(1) Accelerate system innovation and enhance new momentum for integrated development.
Strengthen the leading role of science and technology, promote interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary integrated innovation, fight for key core and system integration technologies, build and improve the innovation network, and continuously improve the innovation efficiency.
Strengthen key core technology research. Focus on the whole manufacturing process of design, production, management and service, break through basic technologies such as design simulation, hybrid modeling and collaborative optimization, develop and apply advanced process technologies such as additive manufacturing and ultra precision machining, overcome common technologies such as intelligent perception, man-machine collaboration and supply chain collaboration, and develop applicable technologies in the industrial field such as artificial intelligence, 5g, big data and edge computing.
Accelerate the development of system integration technology. For equipment, units, workshops, factories and other manufacturing carriers, build data dictionaries and information models related to manufacturing equipment and production processes, and develop general data integration and cross platform and cross domain business Interconnection Technologies for production processes. For industrial chain supply chain, develop cross enterprise multi-source information interaction and whole chain collaborative optimization technology. Facing the whole manufacturing process, it breaks through the technologies of intelligent manufacturing system planning and design, modeling and simulation, analysis and optimization.
We will promote the construction of new innovation networks. Focusing on key areas such as key processes, industrial machines, digital twins and industrial intelligence, we will support industry leading enterprises to build a number of manufacturing innovation carriers in conjunction with universities, scientific research institutes and upstream and downstream enterprises. Encourage R & D institutions to innovate development mechanisms, strengthen data sharing and platform co construction, and carry out collaborative innovation. Promote industrialization, promote organizational construction, and accelerate the transfer and transformation of innovative achievements. Build a number of test and verification platforms to accelerate the popularization and application of intelligent manufacturing equipment and systems.
Column 1 action to tackle key problems in Intelligent Manufacturing Technology
01 key core technologies
Breakthrough in basic technologies such as product optimization design and whole process simulation, hybrid modeling based on mechanism and data drive, and multi-objective collaborative optimization; Advanced process technologies such as additive manufacturing, ultra precision machining, near net shape, molecular physical property characterization, etc; Common technologies such as multi-dimensional intelligent perception of industrial site, production process optimization based on man-machine cooperation, digital twinning of equipment and production process, online precision quality detection, lean production process management and control, equipment fault diagnosis and predictive maintenance, dynamic production planning and scheduling in complex environment, intelligent decision-making in the whole production process, and collaborative optimization of supply chain; 5g, artificial intelligence, big data, edge computing and other new technologies are applicable to quality inspection, process control, process optimization, planning and scheduling, equipment operation and maintenance, management decision-making and other aspects of typical industries.
02 system integration technology
Develop reusable data integration technology based on information model and standard interface; Business interconnection technology among manufacturing equipment, product design software, control software, business management software, etc; Enterprise information interaction technology for industry chain supply chain collaboration, including order, quality, production performance and so on; Flexible cloud deployment technology of public cloud, hybrid cloud and edge cloud collaboration; Complex system modeling technology covering the whole manufacturing process such as design, production, management and service; Model based value stream analysis and optimization techniques.
(2) Deepen promotion and application, and explore new paths for transformation and upgrading.
Focus on the transformation and upgrading needs of enterprises, industries and regions, build intelligent manufacturing systems around workshops, factories and supply chains, carry out multi scenario, whole chain and multi-level application demonstrations, and cultivate and promote new intelligent manufacturing models.
Build an intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory. Accelerate the deep integration of the new generation of information technology and the whole process and all elements of manufacturing, promote manufacturing technology breakthrough and process innovation, promote lean management and business process reengineering, realize ubiquitous perception, data connectivity, integrated interconnection, man-machine cooperation and analysis optimization, and build intelligent scenes, intelligent workshops and intelligent factories. Guide leading enterprises to build collaborative platforms, drive upstream and downstream enterprises to implement intelligent manufacturing synchronously, and build smart supply chains. Encourage all localities and industries to carry out multi scenario and multi-level application demonstration, cultivate and promote new models such as intelligent design, network collaborative manufacturing, mass customization, shared manufacturing, and intelligent operation and maintenance services.
Column 2 construction action of intelligent manufacturing demonstration factory
01 intelligent scenario
Promote the in-depth application of digital twins, artificial intelligence, 5g, big data, blockchain, virtual reality (VR) / augmented reality (AR) / hybrid reality (MR) and other new technologies in the manufacturing sector, and explore the formation of a number of "digital twins +" "artificial intelligence +" "virtual / enhanced / hybrid reality (XR) +" and other intelligent scenarios.
02 intelligent workshop
It covers processing, testing, logistics and other links, carries out process improvement and innovation, promotes equipment networking and digital connection of production links, strengthens standard operation, visual control, accurate distribution and optimal inventory, creates a number of intelligent workshops, and realizes the connectivity of production data, manufacturing flexibility and intelligent management.
03 smart factory
Support enterprises with good basic conditions to carry out intelligent upgrading around the whole manufacturing process of design, production, management and service, optimize organizational structure and business processes, strengthen lean production, create a number of intelligent factories, promote data sharing and in-depth mining of cross business activities, and realize accurate prediction, management optimization and independent decision-making of core businesses.
04 smart supply chain
For automobile, engineering machinery, rail transit equipment, aerospace equipment, marine and ocean engineering equipment, power equipment, medical equipment, household appliances, integrated circuits and other industries, support leading enterprises with high intelligent manufacturing application level, prominent core competitive advantages and strong resource allocation ability to build a supply chain collaboration platform, and create data interconnection, credible information interaction, in-depth production collaboration Supply chain with flexible resource allocation.
Promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Accelerate the implementation of the digital promotion project for small and medium-sized enterprises, and promote a number of digital products and services that meet the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises for typical application scenarios. We will support specialized, special and new "little giant" enterprises to play a demonstration and leading role, carry out equipment networking, numerical control of key processes, cloud transformation of business systems and other transformation, and promote the process optimization and technical equipment upgrading of small and medium-sized enterprises. Relying on digital service providers, it provides services such as digital consultation and diagnosis, intelligent transformation, cloud application, etc.
Expand the application of intelligent manufacturing industry. According to the characteristics and pain points of the segmented industries in the fields of equipment manufacturing, electronic information, raw materials, consumer goods, etc., the implementation roadmap of intelligent manufacturing is formulated and promoted step by step and stage by stage. Support qualified and basic enterprises to increase investment in technological transformation, and continue to promote process innovation, equipment upgrading, management optimization and intelligent production process. Build an industry transformation promotion agency, and accelerate the deepening application of data, standards and solutions. Organize and carry out experience exchange, supply and demand docking activities, summarize and promote new technologies, equipment and modes of intelligent manufacturing.
Column 3 industry intelligent transformation and upgrading actions
01 equipment manufacturing field
To meet the needs of improving product reliability and high-end development, develop intelligent complete production lines for specific scenarios and modular production units combining new technologies and processes; Build intelligent workshops and factories based on lean production and flexible production; Vigorously develop digital design, remote operation and maintenance services, personalized customization and other modes.
02 electronic information field
To meet the needs of improving production efficiency, product yield and shortening the development cycle, establish enterprise communication network and active safety protection system under complex electromagnetic environment, and realize reliable data transmission within the enterprise; Promote the integrated application of special intelligent manufacturing equipment for electronic products and automatic assembly line; Develop an integrated testing platform for intelligent testing equipment and products; Build an intelligent logistics distribution system and optimize the production and operation decision-making system.
03 raw material field
Meet the needs of safe production, reducing consumption and carbon, improving quality and reducing cost, and implement multi base collaborative manufacturing under the unified management of large groups; Explore the application of artificial intelligence technology to realize process optimization, process dynamic collaboration, efficient resource allocation and intelligent decision support; For enterprises with high risks such as civil explosions, mines and dangerous chemicals, promote the operation with few people and no one, and implement integrated safety monitoring; Implement health monitoring and remote operation and maintenance of large manufacturing equipment to ensure the safe operation of the process; Create a full life cycle data sharing platform to optimize the whole industry chain.
04 consumer goods
Improve product quality and safety, meet diversified and high-quality needs, and vigorously promote process oriented special manufacturing equipment and special robots; Support the construction of supply chain collaboration and user interaction platforms, and develop mass customization; Promote the construction of the whole industry chain solution service platform.

Mr.Wang 13926850878      Miss Huang  13377745867
 Address: Room 303, floor 3, building D2, Songhu Zhigu scientific innovation center, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province



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