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The shoemaking industry has entered a new stage of automation and intelligence

Release time:2022-06-09 Source:Dongguan Zhirui Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd

Equipment upgrading is the basis for upgrading the shoemaking industry
Shoe machine enters the era of independent innovation and automation and intelligence improvement
According to the data from China Leather Association, China is a major footwear producer in the world. In 2019, China's footwear output was about 13.5 billion pairs, accounting for about 56% of the global output. With the rising cost of many factors in China's shoe industry, the increasingly complex and changeable international trade environment, and the rapid rise of shoe industry in Southeast Asia and other places, China's shoe industry is facing increasing international competition, and its output share in the world has been declining for several consecutive years. At the same time, the domestic market plays an increasingly important role in stimulating China's footwear industry, and will become the main engine of future industrial development. A small number of diverse, rapid response and quality consumption demands constantly put forward new requirements for industrial upgrading. With the continuous enrichment of the supply of new technologies, the production technologies and production equipment of the shoe industry are constantly upgraded. In particular, the world has begun to enter the fourth wave of industrial revolution. The technologies represented by intelligent manufacturing, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, etc. have been rapidly integrated with the traditional manufacturing industry, bringing new opportunities for the industry to realize a new round of upgrading and development under the background of new technology supply.
After decades of development, China has become a major shoe machine manufacturer in the world. In 2019, the export value of all kinds of leather and shoe machinery reached 480million US dollars. From the early stage of reform and opening up to the late 1980s, the main production mode of shoe machines was fixed-point production in various regions, including Beijing, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Shandong and other places. Shoe machine manufacturers are state-owned and collective enterprises. The types of shoe machines are relatively single. The commonly used shoe-making machinery include simple manual sole pressing machine, mechanical cutting machine, small oven, sewing machine, etc. From the late 1980s to the late 1990s, the demand for shoe-making machinery was increasing day by day, and the original fixed-point production could not meet the development needs of shoe enterprises. The state issued policies to encourage the introduction of advanced products and technologies of shoe machines. At the same time, domestic shoe machine enterprises were gradually developing with a variety of product types. Wenzhou, Dongguan, Jinjiang and other places also became well-known shoe machine producing areas. From the late 1990s to the first decade of the 21st century, this was the golden period for the development of China's shoe machinery industry. The import of shoe machinery began to decrease, and the export volume increased. China's shoe machinery began to move towards the international market, and a large number of well-known shoe machinery enterprises emerged in China. From the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century to the present, China's shoe-making machines have entered the era of independent innovation and automation and intelligence. Shoe-making equipment has made great development and improvement in terms of category, scale, quantity and quality. Some products have reached the international advanced level, effectively meeting the production needs of domestic enterprises and improving the market share and competitiveness of domestic equipment. China's shoemaking equipment has also been exported to all parts of the world, meeting the needs of the global industry to a certain extent.
In order to further promote the equipment upgrading of China's shoemaking industry, so as to improve the overall development level of the footwear industry, China Leather Association initiated the preparation of the technical development roadmap of the shoemaking equipment industry, and worked with relevant equipment enterprises and shoemaking enterprises to sort out the current and future development of shoemaking equipment.
Scan 1.5 pieces of cowhide in 2 minutes
One shoe in 8 seconds
The reporter saw from the road map (first draft) that it specifically includes shoe material cutting process equipment, upper sole making process equipment, upper sole assembly process equipment, shoe finishing and packaging process equipment, organic waste gas pollution prevention equipment and other equipment.
Among the major equipment involved, intelligent manufacturing and green manufacturing have become the focus and highlight.
For example, intelligent cutting robot is introduced in the road map (first draft). It is reported that the intelligent cutting robot in the shoemaking industry integrates technologies such as high-definition projection, automatic transmission of leather materials, vacuum adsorption and fixation, and efficient cutting with vibrating cutter heads. For leather materials, it can basically realize the automatic identification of defects. It can identify or use a color pen. It can mark the grade area on the touch screen, quickly complete the digitization process of leather materials, and can complete the scanning of 1.5 pieces of cow leather in 2 minutes. The machine can quickly scan the stored leather materials or newly stored leather materials in the warehouse to form a digital file for factory digital management and fine production. Server background typesetting can break through the bottleneck of leather online typesetting and enable enterprises to realize large-scale leather production.
There is also a leather intelligent typesetting system, which can automatically monitor whether the actual shrinkage rate and typesetting utilization rate of leather exceed the preset target value, and will automatically prompt if they exceed the preset target value. Large scale mass production of leather materials can be realized from rapid scanning of leather materials in stock or newly warehoused leather materials in the warehouse, to server background typesetting, to production task QR code, to real-time statistics of data after cutting.
Disk injection molding process automatic molding line can replace the traditional shoe-making molding line for injection molding production
Purpose footwear products, 95% of footwear varieties can be produced. This assembly line can realize automatic turnover and screw replacement, save production, maintenance and operation time, and relatively improve the production capacity. It can produce different styles of shoes at the same time, and can produce a shoe in 8 seconds at the fastest.
Nowadays, personalized customization has become a trend. Exclusivity, small quantity and diversity are the characteristics of customization, and equipment cannot be absent. The 3D foot shape scanning measurement system adopts the 3D measurement technology to realize the high-precision 3D measurement of the human foot shape, obtain the parameters of each characteristic part of the foot shape, calculate the data required for the shoe making of each part of the foot in a short time through 3D modeling and program calculation, further connect the cloud terminal and the customer wechat terminal, and can recommend shoes according to the foot data. Online and offline drainage can be conducted at the same time to realize the personalized customization of the shoe industry, Digital diagnosis and analysis help the shoe industry optimize the process by using big data means, improve product comfort, reduce costs, and realize various advantages such as unmanned shoe stores.
The intelligent pur micro production line includes intelligent 3D vamp knitting system, intelligent vamp pressing system, etc. the whole production line covers a small area, and four workers can achieve the output of 30 pairs per hour. The whole production line only needs 50 square meters. The modular intelligent upgrade is very flexible in application and realizes perfect embedded production. Upgrade the shoe manufacturing mode from large-scale centralized production to small-scale, diversified and personalized production.
In terms of environmental protection, the organic waste gas from shoe-making production mainly comes from adhesives and treatment agents. In addition to strengthening the source substitution, actively using water-based adhesives to replace solvent-based adhesives at the source, and strengthening process management, the enclosed gas gathering system or local gas gathering system shall be adopted for the operation of generating organic waste gas, and the waste gas shall be introduced into the waste gas collection system and / or treatment facilities. In addition, the end treatment of organic waste gas shall be strengthened. With reference to the national environmental protection standard for the application and issuance of pollutant discharge permit and technical specifications for the shoemaking industry issued in 2020, the available technologies for the prevention and control of organic waste gas pollution currently for reference mainly include adsorption method, biological method, adsorption method and low-temperature plasma method or photocatalytic oxidation method. In addition, enterprises with conditions can also choose catalytic combustion method.
Relatively weak independent innovation capability
Promoting intelligent manufacturing as the main direction of the industry
According to the introduction of China Leather Association, at present, in the discrete manufacturing process of shoes, the automation upgrading of single machine equipment has made relatively rapid progress. Some have achieved several generations of replacement in recent years, and the whole process automation equipment integrating more processes has also been actively introduced. The whole process automation solutions at home and abroad have been continuously optimized, and automation, informatization, networking and intelligent manufacturing are the key directions for improvement. If the previous round of manufacturing upgrading of the industry focused on the automation of key processes, the next wave of manufacturing upgrading must be the whole process of automated manufacturing and digital manufacturing. The upgrading of automation, digitalization, networking and intelligence is, on the one hand, the upgrading of hardware equipment in the physical world, and, on the other hand, the transformation and upgrading of the industry by the data flow of the virtual world. If manual workers are replaced by intelligent machines and equipment, then mental workers are replaced by automatic data flow. The development of the footwear industry is at a watershed from the manual era to the mechanized era, and is marching towards the digital era. The core competitiveness and access threshold of manufacturing in the new era will be reshaped.
However, on the whole, domestic shoemaking equipment still has relatively weak independent innovation ability, insufficient investment in scientific and technological innovation, fierce low-level competition, and the training of professionals in shoemaking equipment needs to be strengthened. Some key core technologies and high-end equipment are highly dependent on foreign countries, especially high-precision equipment, software control systems and even chips. The global operation ability of enterprises, especially medium and high-end products, needs to be improved, Lack of world famous equipment brands.
At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform have formed a historic intersection with China's accelerated transformation of the mode of economic development. The pattern of international industrial division is being reshaped at an accelerated pace. China's shoemaking equipment also needs to rely on the supply of 5g, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, cloud computing, big data and other new technologies to promote the intelligent manufacturing of the shoemaking industry while improving the basic capacity of the shoemaking equipment industry, Accelerate the integration of the new generation of information technology and shoemaking equipment, promote the transformation of equipment upgrading from single application to comprehensive integration, improve the level of comprehensive integration, improve the informatization level of the whole process of manufacturing and industrial chain, promote the transformation of equipment supply from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing in the whole life cycle, integrate services into the whole chain of production and sales, and promote the historical leap from big to strong in the shoemaking industry.

Mr.Wang 13926850878      Miss Huang  13377745867
 Address: Room 303, floor 3, building D2, Songhu Zhigu scientific innovation center, Liaobu Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province



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